Semi Permanent Hiatus

Writerly pursuits have unfortunately prevented me from posting for quite some time. I do hope to return to regular posts in the future, and so will keep the blog up until that time either does or does not happen. In the meantime, feel free to peruse the articles posted here or contact me with any questions. Thanks for reading! - Jen

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Political Pups

These little cuties - Basho and Suki, respectively - belong to my friend Melanie, who's been working doggedly (sorry) to get Barack Obama into the White House. While Mel has been dialing 'til her fingers turned blue to get the word out, Basho and Suki are clearly doing their part to spread the word: Whether you're for or against, young or old, human or... not so much, don't forget to vote!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Return of the Prodigal Daughter

I know it's been many, many moons since my last post - life seemingly got in the way, and I've been carried away with it ever since! But I'm pleased to say that things seem to be getting more manageable and I'm gradually easing back into the Wonderful World of Dogs. Right now, the biggest part of that is taking my incredibly lengthy and long overdue final exam with Animal Behavior College. I should get the exam today, and have two weeks to complete the entire thing. Very exciting, though I'm definitely nervous about it. I'll definitely keep folks posted on how it goes!

It will be a while before I'll be able to resume my previous posting schedule (daily articles), but I definitely plan to at least give a nod to some of the many articles and webites I've been reading to keep folks updated on the many exciting things going on in the World of Dog. That starts with a radio show I've been listening to podcasts of a lot lately - Dog Talk, with host Tracie Hotchner. While I don't necessarily agree with everything she has to say, she has some great guests on the show who address issues like nutrition and alternative diets, the proliferation of canine cancer and how to fight it, pet travel, training issues... There are any number of topics in two years' worth of episodes to choose from, so it's a whole host of free information.

And if you haven't swung by my former mentor Marie Finnegan's blog, now is definitely the time to do so. She's just started a raw feeding program for her guys, and has some incredibly helpful tips and links for anyone interested in learning more or just starting out on this tricky but worthwhile road. I've been doing a lot of canine nutrition research and study myself lately, and have also found some wonderful discussions in the Dogster Food & Nutrition forums, as well as those devoted to the Raw Food Diet and Home Prepared Food and Recipes. For those not acquainted with Dogster, it is basically Myspace for pooches. While some people may get a little carried away with it, it really is a wonderful way to connect with other dog lovers, learn a lot about any number of topics concerning you and your pups, and even make friends with other local dogs and dog guardians. If you want the upgraded membership, it's $20 for one year - but unless you have six dozen photos and want access to certain specialized forums, I don't really recommend paying the fee. Of course, if you try it out and decide you can't live without all the Dogster features imaginable, it's always an option.

So, that's what I've been reading and listening to lately. Now that I'm back in the pup-loop again, I'll be sure to post more frequently and will likely host another contest in December. In the meantime, keep those tails wagging and don't forget to venture out and enjoy the crisp fall air with your favorite four-legged friend - it's a great time of year to explore!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Feeding Multiple Dogs Without Losing Your Fingers or Your Mind, on Thursday's Nutrition Beat

If you've spent any time at all around dogs, you know that feeding time is a Big Deal. And if you've spent time around multiple dogs, you know how easily that Big Deal can turn downright nasty without some order in the chaos. Everything is heightened when the food bowl comes out, so here are a few tips on how to make meal times safer and more pleasant for everyone involved.

(1) Stay calm. Want a recipe for disaster? Combine three parts kibble, one part anxious owner, and two parts food-aggressive pups. Add to that your excited "OOH, it's food time!!! Everybody come on and jump around, time for puppies to chow down!" and you could have a real problem on your hands. Feeding time should be a zen experience - approach it as such. Getting your dogs excited before eating only exacerbates an already heightened experience. Stay cool, stay calm, and be in charge.

(2) Divide and conquer. Even if your dogs have always eaten together and there have been no problems, it may be a good idea to consider separating them. Competition over the food may develop over time, or there may come a time when one pooch requires a special diet, medication, or a specific amount of food - all of which are much more difficult to deal with when you have another mutt muzzle in the kibble. At feeding time for my pups, Killian gets fed just outside the kitchen while Adia gets her food down the hall. There's not an acre (or even a dividing wall) between them, but it provides the mental segregation necessary to ensure that they aren't swapping bowls mid-meal. If you have food aggressive dogs, consider feeding them in separate rooms, or using crates to keep everyone safe and sound.

(3) Stick to a routine. Try to keep a feeding schedule, so that your pups aren't starving by the time feeding time comes around. Likewise, make it clear to them what your expectations are of their behavior - no jumping up while you're delivering dog bowls, no food stealing during prep time, etc. Keep their bowls in the same place every time, so that there is no confusion about whose bowl belongs to who when chow time arrives.

(4) Use your power (for good, not evil). Feeding time is prime training time - when else do you have a more powerful motivator than a full bowl of food? Make them work for their meal, by sitting or lying down and waiting politely until you put the bowl down. Mix it up a little, so that your pups aren't merely following the routine to get their meal - if they sit automatically, try a down instead. Keep them focused on you, but don't torture - a lengthy training session while you hold their dinner hostage isn't appropriate, but a command or two will make it clear that you're in charge.

(5) Be vigilant. Leaving a room of feeding dogs is not the best idea ever, particularly if you have any that are prone to food aggression. Especially when first establishing a new feeding routine, it's critical that you remain on-hand to provide guidance as to what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior. When one dog is finished, pick up the empty bowl and do not allow him to crowd or steal any food from the pups who are still eating. If this is impossible, consider crating the dogs to provide a more concrete boundary, or feeding them in separate rooms.

For more information on feeding time in your multi-dog home, check out this article. For many guardians of food-aggressive dogs, chow time is the one they dread the most. Follow these simple steps and consider working with an obedience trainer or behaviorist to curb unruly - and potentially life threatening - behaviors. Your dogss meals should be a happy time for you and your pups, just brimming with potential training opportunities - approach them as such, and your entire pooch pack will respond in kind!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How to Walk Multiple Dogs. Workout Wednesday: Creative Strategies for the Dual Dog Walk

Workout Wednesday!
Life with your dual pooches may be smooth sailing most of the time, but double dog walking duty can make for stormy seas, if you don't take the proper approach. Here are five tips to make walking your doublemint pups a pleasure, not a chore.

(1) Start with one pup, and build from there. Walking puppies is simple enough, because they're... well, little. But if you have more than one medium- to large-sized dog, try walking them singly first to determine what collar will work best and how they react to distractions like other dogs or cats running across the path.

(2) Use the right equipment. If you're walking with pulling pooches, try a head collar or no-pull harness to keep them in check. Stay away from extendible leashes unless you are completely confident in your ability to control both dogs, working instead with sturdy four- to six-foot leashes. There are also a number of tandem leashes on the market for walking multiple dogs, which are built for safety and comfort.

(3) Try a safe test run first. Before you head for a busy city street, try walking around your yard or a fenced area nearby first. Are you being dragged from one end of the yard to the other? If so, you may want to try some more individual leash training before taking your pups into the wide world.

(4) Can you handle the ultimate distraction? Most dogs have an Achilles' heel - one thing in all of the world that makes them sit up and take notice. Whether it's a cat, squirrel, bicycle, or another dog, can you handle both pups when that one, ultimate weakness is just down the road? During your test run, try adding as many distractions as you can and see how well you do.

(5) Invite a friend. If you have a walking buddy to hand one of the leashes off to if things get rough, it will make a big difference in your confidence level and, thus, the way that your pups respond to your commands. During your frist few walks in the world, bring along a friend. Do your best to walk your pups yourself for the entire trek, so that by the time you're ready for a solo flight, you'll know you can handle it.

Follow these simple tips and before you know it, you'll be a master at the dual dog walk. Your pups will be better behaved, you'll all be healthier, and the world will truly be yours to explore.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

And We Have a Winner!

The winner of The Dog-Ma's first monthly Petsmart gift card giveaway is Amie, who left a great - and very insightful - comment on the Workout Wednesday post, "Pit Bull Leash Training - How to Walk a Whirling Dervish." Though the winner of the raffle was chosen randomly, Amie did have some great points in her comment relating to my phrase, "...a tired pit bull is a well-behaved pit bull." Amie disagreed with my phrasing "...because it suggests they (pit bulls) are ill-behaved otherwise, when that isn't necessarily the case. What IS the case is that they have tons of energy and tons of smarts and those can often be a disastrous combination in a strong animal whose idea of a good time is running after things (cars, deer, other dogs...)

A well-exercised bully is a mellow bully!"

Amie had an excellent point that was well written and happily received by this blogger, and I'm very happy to send her the $50 Petsmart gift card to use as she will. Amie also has a couple of great blogs you should check out: Rose By Any, and B-More Dog, both of which contain some great information, fabulous photos and videos of Amie's own animal tribe, and some very fun animal anecdotes. So - June's contest was a success! Don't forget to read and comment in July to be eligible for another $50 Petsmart gift card, to be given out on August 1.

Training Tuesday: The Importance of Individual Training in a Multi-Dog World

So, you've decided to populate your home with not just Dog, but Dawgz. My life with one dog was amazing - Moonshadow was my boon companion, my best friend, and I was pretty much her universe. Now, three years after sweet old Moon left this mortal coil, I am the proud keeper of two pups - Killian and Adia - from the same litter. I am no longer the center of anyone's universe. They love me, of course - I feed them, walk them, and give them lots of hugs and cuddles, what's not to love? However, my dynamic duo has been together since the womb, and that's a pretty powerful bond. Because they are both fairly well-mannered, it's easy enough to take both of them wherever we may roam, but I also do my best to give each pup some individual attention whenever possible. Why, you may ask? If they do well together, why bother separating them at all?

There are three primary reasons I have for working one-on-one with my pups. The first is that it strengthens their bond with me, in much the same way a parent's bond with human children is strengthened by spending quality time independent of siblings. Secondly, obedience training - particularly leash training and agility - is also much, much simpler working with one dog at a time. And finally, I want to avoid creating codependent chaos by making sure my pups know how to live without one another. Dogs are social animals; as such, they establish very strong bonds with the other beings in their world. If they aren't acclimated to time spent apart, it can be an incredibly stressful experience. So, here are a few tips for making time for each of your furry friends.

(1) Start early, start often. If you get two dogs at the same time, make a schedule right away that allows a fifteen minute block alone with each of them. This is very simple if you have a partner; hubby takes Pup #1 for a walk one way while you take Pup #2 in the opposite direction - you meet back fifteen minutes later, and switch off. Or, take a walk together in the morning with both dogs, and alternate between Pup #1 and Pup #2 in the evenings. If, however, you - like me - are a single owner of multiple dogs, you may need to get a little creative. For short training stints, your pup should be able to survive on his own, particularly if it becomes part of a regular routine. I find that fifteen minutes a day of individual training for each dog is more than adequate to keep us all in check.

(2) Expand your dogs' social circle. When I was at Clean Slate, I enrolled Adia in puppy classes. While we were gone, I would leave Killian in his room with a couple of the other dogs from the rescue - by the time we returned home in the evenings, he would be exhausted and not the least bit concerned that he'd been left behind. If you go to a local dog park or meet other pups in your travels, try to make friends with the owners. Make puppy play dates. Offer to watch their pooch for them, if they'll take one of yours for an afternoon. This frees you up for an individual class, or just a special one-on-one outing occasionally. It's also a great way to keep your dogs socialized and part of a larger, dog-friendly community.

(3) Play to your pup's strengths. Killian is a rallying fiend these days. Adie, on the other hand, despises heeling but would play frisbee until she dropped. There are so many classes, clubs, and activities for dogs these days, you should have no problem finding something that your pup will love. And what better way to build that one-on-one bond than by sharing an activity that fuels you both?

(4) At the end of the day, Integrate! Regardless of whether you walked Pup #1 for fifteen minutes and Pup #2 for thirty-two, whether Pup 1 is excelling at agility while Pup 2 is failing basic obedience... Whatever the circumstances might be, don't forget to enjoy your whole pack at the end of the day. One of my greatest joys is watching Killian and Adie roughhouse before bed, or curling up on the couch between the great woolly pair of them for a little light reading. Always appreciate the individual eccentricities of each of your pups, but don't forget to revel in the primal flair of belonging to a pack.

Monday, June 30, 2008

EnvironMental Monday: Dog Hair, Dog Teeth, Dog Poo (Squared). Reclaiming Your Space in a Multi-Dog Home

When I was working (and living) at Clean Slate Animal Rescue, we had anywhere from ten to forty dogs living with us at any given time. Granted, those dogs weren't all in the same room at the same time, but I don't believe there were ever less than five dogs with us wherever we roamed. While I don't necessarily advise that everyone live with that many pups underfoot, my time at Clean Slate did teach me a great deal about how to maintain sanity (and a semblance of order) in a multi-dog home. Here are a few tips to keep your own home running smoothly, whether you have two dogs or (yikes!) twenty.

(1) Define your boundaries. Some people love dogs anywhere, all the time - on the bed, on the couch, under the table, nothing is off limits. Others prefer their pups off the furniture or out of the kitchen, and may get downright squeamish at excess dog hair. Either way is okay - as long as you know which you are, and convey that to your pooches. If you don't want your dogs on the couch, then they should NEVER be on the couch; they have no way of knowing when the sight of their muddy paws will send you into a tailspin or when you'll just shrug it off. So, to keep things simple, figure out early what's off limits. Be consistent, and don't feel badly if your best friend lets her dog trounce all over the leather sofa and you don't (or vice versa). You love your pup, or you wouldn't be reading this post... But we all deserve our space. Claim yours, be firm and consistent, and your pups will (eventually) respect that.

(2) Socialize your dogs! Unless you want to be that crazy lady (or guy) with all the dogs whose friends avoid them like the plague, you'll want pups who don't go wild every time someone comes to call. To prevent this from happening, expose your dogs to as many people as possible, as early and often as you can. Make a point of having people over, and let your dogs (and your guests) know what is expected of them. Start by teaching your dogs a firm sit-stay, and work on this everytime a visitor arrives. Reinforce with lots of yummy treats, but make sure to keep things lowkey to keep your pooch from picking up on any of your excitement or anxiety. Be mellow. Give treats and pets. Be consistent. You'll be amazed at how many people gravitate toward a balanced home with balanced pets, and your pups will love making all those new friends.

(3) Have at least one dog-friendly zone. If you'd rather not have your pups treading on your furniture and scratching on your favorite sheets and you have the space, create one room to use as a puppy playroom. Get creative with the space - paint it a funky color, make a doggie border, or just put up some of your favorite photos of your pooches. Buy or make a little puppy toy box, and have lots of chew toys and other treats available. If you don't want to crate your dogs, this is a great way to keep them safe and contained while you're away from home. Add a corner where you can comfortably hang out as well, and before long you'll catch yourself spending more time in your puppy playroom than your own living room!

Having multiple dogs doesn't have to mean an out-of-control world, for you or your pups. As with anything where dogs are concerned, just remember to define your boundaries and be consistent, and you and your pooches can happily co-exist for years to come!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Workout Wednesday: Pit Bull Leash Training - How to Walk a Whirling Dervish

One sunny afternoon in Kentucky, I put Dave's handsome American Staffordshire mix, Lou, on leash and headed for the wide world. It was a gorgeous day, and I thought it high time that Lou get some one-on-one training time. Did I mention the leash I put on was extendible? And attached to nothing but a regular collar on Louie's big, tough, bully neck? If you know anything about bullies, alarm bells are probably going off already. Sure enough, we got out the door and Lou spotted Dave across the field - the powerful pup took off in a burst, and I was dragged through the field, clinging desperately to the end of the leash.

Whether you have or have not had a similar experience, this post will give you three easy steps to avoiding one in the future. There's nothing more frustrating than trying to spend quality time exercising your bully, only to return home exhausted from the effort of keeping your pooch under control at every corner. So, here are a few keys to a peaceful walking routine for you and your bully.

(1) Use the right equipment. In case you didn't catch it in my disastrous example, extendible leashes are a bad idea for bully breeds. Stick with a four- to six-foot lead, and keep your big guy close to you at all times. Pit bulls are known for their power - if your pup sees something he wants to get to and he has a few feet on the lead to gain momentum, it will be that much more difficult for you to stop him. In addition to the right leash, simplify your life by using a head collar or no-pull harness. One thing to keep in mind with the head collar: to the average, non-dog-oriented bystander, it looks like a muzzle, which can reinforce the public perception of pit bulls as dangerous dogs. There are a number of no-pull harnesses on the market that work just as well as the head collars, and they will keep your bully's good image intact.

(2) Teach basic obedience commands. The three commands your bully should not be without: sit, stop, and let's go. By having a few commands that your pup knows without question, you can have something to fall back on when it feels like your walk is getting out of control. If a cat runs across your path or a dog is walking three blocks away and your bully gets excited, bring him back to earth with a command he knows inside-out; get his attention back on you by making him sit, or switch directions with a quick "Let's go." When your adrenaline is going and your dog is heightened, it's difficult to problem-solve - instead of trying to do that, stick with something you both know by heart.

(3) Never follow a pulling bully! If it's at all possible, give your dog a little free run before going for a walk - play fetch or frisbee in the backyard, until your bully is just a little less jazzed than he was when you first went outside. Once on leash, the goal should be to have your dog beside you on a loose lead. When that isn't happening, your pup should never feel as though he is being rewarded for pulling. If he's getting where he wants to go by dragging you, he's getting rewarded - a verbal or physical reprimand doesn't really matter, because it's a small price to pay for getting to water that special tree he loves so much. So, that means that each and every time he starts pulling, you need to switch direction. This is often a maddening and slow process, but after you've switched direction a few (or fifty) times, he'll get the picture: calm behavior means he gets to go where he wants, pulling gets him nowhere.

One final note: a pit bull who gets walked once a week will always be a pulling pit bull. Your bully should be on leash at least once a day working on his manners, in order to make walking with you less of a momentous occasion. Follow these simple rules and before you know it, you'll be enjoying those long walks in the park just as much as your bully does.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Training Tuesday: Socialization, Pit Bulls, and the Dogs All Around Us

If you've ever witnessed a dog fight, you know the feeling: the sense of helplessness and horror when fur flies and snarling bodies rocket toward one another. If you've witnessed a pit bull fight, that feeling is magnified a thousand times, as a dog aggressive pit bull is physically and mentally engineered to fight to the death. Regardless of how much you may love that bully face, as a pit bull owner it is imperative for your dog's safety and the safety of others that you understand the limitations of this breed. Pit bulls were bred to fight other dogs; this is a despicable but indisputable fact. With that in mind, it is not your job to teach your bully to love other dogs; your job is to teach him to tolerate the presence of other pups, and not to fixate.

Are all pit bulls dog-aggressive? Unequivocally no - I've worked with many pit bulls who love playing with other dogs. At Clean Slate, Dave's American Staffordshire mix Lou is present in almost all of the dog play groups, and is well-loved by every puppy who enters the building. I have seen that same gentle giant turn on his doggie housemates during heightened circumstances and inflict serious harm. The point? Lou continues to work as a supervised caretaker in many of the dog play groups, but is never, ever left alone with other dogs. Would I trust him with children? In a heartbeat. But there is a genetic trigger that pushes bully breeds when it comes to other dogs. So, is there a way to address that trigger, or are bully owners doomed to walk alone forever? Here are some tips for how to create a more dog-friendly sensibility in your pit bull.

(1) Start young. If you have a pit bull puppy, the key socialization period is up to twelve weeks. Expose your pup to countless positive interactions with people, as well as with dogs. If you have an opportunity to socialize your bully pup with other puppies, keep it calm and keep it positive. If your little guy is demonstrating dominating behavior like repeat attacks on a more submissive pup, humping, or ignoring his playmate's cues to settle down, it's time for a time-out. Don't punish, simply pull your bully out of the fray and give him some alone time. Reward calm behavior with treats, and keep your own tone gentle and low-key.

(2) NEVER, EVER PHYSICALLY DOMINATE YOUR PIT BULL! If you have a situation in which your bully is trying to dominate other pups, it is never, ever appropriate or helpful to force your dog down and hold him there (sometimes known as the "alpha roll"). Despite what some TV shows (Caesar Milan, anyone?) may lead you to believe, the benefit of the alpha roll has been completely disproved and in almost every case has been shown to be extremely detrimental for the dog. If your pooch is misbehaving in a group setting, your answer is clear: it's time to go. There is no need for (or benefit to) a physical display of dominance, as this does nothing but create negative associations with other dogs and with you.

(3) The leash is your friend! Pit bulls are notoriously difficult to read - hence their great success in the dog-fighting world. They give few cues as to when they will attack, which I suppose is an asset in the ring but frankly leaves you and I with a distinct disadvantage. For that reason, not only should your bully always be on-leash, but you should avoid areas where other dogs are typically off-leash. An unsuspecting pup at the dog park may come running up to your bully with no idea that they aren't the best of friends. Pit bulls are fast and strong, so one snap and that nasty little Chihuahua prancing around your bully's head could mean the end - for both dogs, because a fatal dog attack means that your pit bull will be put down.

(4) Try walking it out. If you have a pit bull who is on the fence about other dogs, try going for a walk with a fellow dog-guardian. The other dog should be of the opposite sex, and preferably spayed or neutered. With both dogs on leash and focused on the journey ahead, your bully can get acclimated to the presence of someone else without becoming fixated. Let the dogs sniff each other, be on the lookout for good signs like a relaxed posture or playbows, give plenty of praise and treats, and remember to always reward for good behavior.

(5) Dog aggression is chronic, not terminal. There is no cure-all for dog-to-dog aggression. If your bully is not friendly toward other pups, take comfort in knowing that you are not alone - in fact, most pit bulls have some issues with other dogs. Be patient and positive, and remember that safety is the number one priority: always keep your dog on leash on outings, never leave him alone with other dogs (or any animals), and reward him amply for calm behavior. If you follow these guidelines, your pit bull may not be the belle of the ball, but he will live a happy, safe life with you by his side.

Monday, June 9, 2008

EnvironMental Monday: Is Nothing Sacred? A Pit Bull Guardian's Guide to Puppy Proofing Your Home

If you've ever had a puppy, you've probably learned one thing quite well: dogs chew. And if you've ever had a pit bull puppy, you've REALLY gotten that lesson down. There are three reasons why your pit bull will chew you out of house and home - they are high energy, have extremely strong teeth and jaws, and are very social, so prone to separation anxiety (which they cope with by chewing). Each one of those reasons is powerful enough on its own, but when you combine the three? Suddenly, you have a chewing monster and nothing in your home is safe. Here are a few tips to help you navigate the rocky road of pit bull chewing.

(1) Exercise, exercise, exercise. Like the Energizer bunny, terriers were designed to keep going and going and going. Pit bulls are definitely no exception - these energized pups thrive on activity, and must have rigorous exercise daily to stay sane. Teach your pit puppy to fetch early on in life, so that on days when you're unable to go for a long walk, you can throw the ball around for twenty minutes and wear him out that way. Bullies also love to work - check out this site for tips on buying a doggie backpack for your pooch, and watch how his entire manner changes. Giving your bully a job while you're out and about boosts his confidence, increases his focus, and makes him work just a little bit harder during your daily constitutional. At Clean Slate, we even adopted a pit bull named Pinkerton out to someone who taught her how to tow him on his skateboard! Bullies are smart, strong, and eager to please - be creative and upbeat, and there's no end to the ways you can expend your pup's limitless energy!

(2) Life at home begins with supervision. If you have a pit bull puppy or even an older bully who's new to your rules, set him up for success by keeping him in a confined area with lots of tough toys like Kongs and Nylabones while you are away. A word of warning: For pit bulls, this is occasionally easier said than done, particularly with one who has acute separation anxiety. Begin by using a crate or enclosure only after your pup has been well-exercised, include lots of highly desirable chew toys (like a Kong stuffed with treats and sealed with peanut butter), and go away for only a few minutes at a time. Remember to be casual about leaving and returning - long goodbyes and heightened hellos only add to your sensitive pup's anxiety.

(3) Keep shoes, children's toys, and other taboo items out of your pup's reach. Remember to never give your pooch an old shoe to chew on - he can't distinguish between shoes you love and those you've outgrown, so in his mind every shoe is a-okay. Likewise with toys you're kids have grown tired of; your dog's toys should be distinctly dog-like, to avoid confusion as training progresses.

(4) Be positive! If your pup has a slip-up - even if that slip-up involves the TV remote, your favorite ottoman, or a $100 pair of shoes - try to stay calm. Pit bulls have a notoriously high physical pain threshold, but they are incredibly sensitive to emotional stressors. If you catch him in the act, say "No chew," or "Unh-uh" firmly and remove the item, replacing it with an acceptable chew toy. Reward your pooch with lots of praise when he does show interest in his dog toys, and never physically reprimand your pit bull for chewing - it simply heightens his confusion, anxiety, and agitation.

Follow these simple steps and before long, your house will begin to resemble a chew-free home once more. You'll be happier, your pit bull will be happier, and your furniture will thank you for it.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Keeping Your Bully Safe - Rules to Live By for Traveling Pit Bulls

Summer is upon us, which means it's time to pack up the jalopy and head for the hills. And what vacation is complete without your favorite pooch alongside? Unfortunately, pit bull owners know firsthand that - thanks to bad press and public misconceptions - traveling far and wide with a bully in tow isn't always so easy. Here, then, are five tips for a safe and happy vacation with your favorite pit bull.

(1) Plan ahead to avoid Breed Specific Legislation. Anyone who owns a pit bull or related breed knows all too well the trials of Breed Specific Legislation (BSL). Look at your route before you go to determine where BSL is prevalent, and what the guidelines may be. For example, pit bulls and "similar" breeds are prohibited in Ontario, Canada, and may be confiscated by local law enforcement. In other parts of the U.S., pit bulls may be required to be leashed and muzzled, while there are still plenty of places where bullies are just as welcome as Chihuahuas. To learn of BSL "hot spots," check out this link.

(2) Is your pit bull a good citizen? If so, it may open some doors for both of you. If your bully is well behaved and you'd like the world to know it, consider enrolling in the American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizenship program. According to the AKC website, "The Canine Good Citizen Program is a two-part program that stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs. All dogs who pass the 10-step CGC test may receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club." CGC certification is often the first step in entering your pit bull in agility, advanced obedience, rally, or other canine competitions. In addition, it is a great thing to have on hand while traveling - on the road, keep a photocopy of the certificate in a file folder with your pup's other medical and immunization records, just in case an issue comes up with law enforcement along the way. You can find out more about the Canine Good Citizenship program here.

(3) Are dogs allowed, or are ALL dogs allowed? If you're planning to stay in a dog-friendly hotel or motel, check first to make sure that their policy extends to all pooches. This is another time when your Canine Good Citizenship status may come in handy - if your pup is certified, make sure to let the hotel or motel owner know that. Many dog-friendly establishments even offer a discount to encourage such responsible guardianship!

(4) Know your pup's limitations. Whether you're taking a trip to the local park or across state lines, make sure that you have reasonable expectations of your pit bull. If he doesn't do well with other dogs, that's okay - just be sure that you make allowances for this and don't set him up to fail. While the issue may be curable in the long run, your family vacation isn't the time to decide Pogo the Pit Bull is going to learn to share with other pooches. Likewise, if you're not sure how your bully will do with children, proceed with extreme caution. Your number one responsibility as a pit bull owner is to set the necessary limits to ensure that your pup stays safe and happy; you just need to be a little more vigilant about those limits when you're on the road.

(5) Don't hide your bully's face! When socialized well and trained properly, pit bulls are one of the most fun, loving, and loyal breeds out there. Their energy and thirst for new experiences makes them natural traveling companions; all you need to do is show your pup how fun life on the road can be, and he'll be diving into your backseat every chance he gets. Right now, pit bulls need all the good-mannered ambassadors they can find to disprove public perceptions. If you have a well-trained, affable bully, share him with the world as often as you can - if you do, maybe one day pit bulls will be as welcome around the globe as you and me!

Welcome to a Week's Worth of Pit Posts!

This week's theme came as a result of a conversation I was having with my friend Jan recently, who was talking about her friend's new pit bull puppy, a silver pit named Element. Naturally, I'm always excited when I hear that a pit bull has gone to a responsible home, and I immediately started peppering poor Jan with questions:

How old was the puppy? Did the new owners - who have two young sons - know that pit bulls were once known as the "nanny" dog in Great Britain, for their patience, devotion, and high pain tolerance to little hands pulling dog ears and tails? What were they doing to socialize the newcomer to other dogs?

So many questions, so many topics. I thought this would be a great forum to address many of these questions, for people who either have a pit bull themselves or for those are simply entertaining the idea of adopting one of these amazing dogs. Without question, pit bulls are not for everyone - they are highly intelligent, have loads of energy, and need lots of positive interaction and training to reach their full potential. Be sure to check in all week long, as we explore the ins and outs of becoming a pit bull dog-ma (or dog-dad!).

Friday, June 6, 2008

Rescue Me! Friday: Behind the Scenes of a Rescue Transport

The loaded crates in our Oregon living room, after the November 7 transport
November 7, 2006
2:00 a.m. - Dave is on the phone with the volunteer rescue coordinator at the Merced County Shelter, California. Cheesecake, Spoon, and Tiger are passed out on the living room floor, and I am trying desperately to stay awake while Dave reads through the list one more time. The list is Merced's weekly PTS - Put to Sleep - list, and it is endless. Can we take another medium-sized? Three more littles just came in - is there room on board? What about a large dog; any hope at all? Yes to the medium, yes to the littles, and I run through the list before we finally give a yes to one large dog - a Great Dane/pit bull mix the shelter has fallen in love with.

Finally, at 2:30, we have a rough estimate of the number of dogs Dave and I will be transporting on our leg of a twelve-hour trek from Merced, California, to Portland, Oregon. Twenty-five dogs are scheduled to come up, and - as usual - Dave gives the okay for however many spayed or neutered cats may be available.

The next day, we will drive Clean Slate's Dodge van three hours down to Eugene, Oregon, to meet the transporter from Merced. The cats will be released into the Clean Slate Cat Interaction Center, while the dogs will be distributed to area no-kill shelters in Oregon and Washington that have agreed to take them on.

We sleep fitfully for a few hours before rising early the next day; there's much to be done. Crates are cleaned, Clean Slate's resident sixteen dogs are exercised and fed early, and the van is loaded as efficiently as possible, with every crate we can find.

3:30 p.m. Time to hit the road. We are scheduled to meet Harlin, the Merced transporter, at 6:30 that evening in a Mobil station parking lot. It's my first pick-up - I've been on the receiving end of plenty of transports, but this is the first time I'll be present during the "big switch" - the lengthy process of transferring multiple dogs and cats from one vehicle to the other.

6:00 p.m. We reach Eugene a little early only to realize that we've forgotten to bring emergency leashes. I get the time-worn speech from Dave: "We should have a checklist - when I did this in California, I always had a checklist. Why don't we have a checklist?" Lacking the checklist, Dave and I go to Target and pick up three cheap leashes from their limited pet section. By now it's time to meet Harlin.

6:35 p.m. True to his word, good old Harlin is waiting for us in a big old suburban with his nephew. Harlin is about sixty, with a bit of a paunch and a kind face. There's no time to get acquainted, though - our charges have been crated for ten hours now, and we need to get them back to Clean Slate as soon as possible. Because of timing, logistics, and the inherent danger of trying to walk twenty-five plus dogs on a busy highway, everyone is simply transferred from Merced to Clean Slate crates as quickly as possible. Curious on-lookers stop to watch; one woman wants to know if we are breeders, while a police officer stops when we transfer Nick - the Great Dane/ pit mix - into our van. I can only imagine what he's thinking, as we rush through our job silently, unloading dog after pitiful dog, on this cold November election night in Eugene.

7:30 p.m. Everyone is loaded, and we bid Harlin and his nephew a fond farewell. The final tally, in our cramped Dodge van? Thirty dogs and seven cats, all of them exhausted, cranky, and terrified. Because we've run out of crates, I hold two Chihuahuas - one tiny aging fellow I name Fitzgerald, another a little sweetie pie named Red - in my lap for our journey home.

10:30 p.m. We return to our usual chaos. Dave and I agree to run all of the Clean Slate dogs out first, before unloading our cargo for the night. The Clean Slate pups get a quick potty break, an even quicker dinner, and are returned to their rooms. And now, the real fun begins.

11:30 p.m. I break out my trusty clipboard, and begin recording as we remove each dog and each cat from its crate for inspection. Most everyone looks good, however there is a crate filled with four Chihuahua pups who are terrified, nipping, and refuse to come out. An emaciated beagle pup doesn't look like he'll make it through the night, another Chihuahua pup is clearly bloated with worms, and for a moment we think we've already lost a skeleton of a poodle, lying quietly in his crate. Upon closer examination, we realize that he is, in fact, okay, but he'll need attention. We also have a very, very pregnant retriever mix, and the much-talked-about Dane/pit mix hasn't stopped barking since we arrived.

3:00 a.m. Everyone - with the exception of the four Chihuahuas, who still refuse to leave their crate - has been exercised and fed. The cats have been released into the Cat Interaction Center, and everyone has been catalogued for distribution the following day. Exhausted, I go upstairs and collapse, while Dave continues on through the night. It's another fitful night's sleep - a house filled with forty-six dogs is not exactly a quiet place, to say the least - before another action-packed day.

November 8, 2006 -

The Democrats have reclaimed both House and Senate, which is encouraging. Dave and I, on the other hand, have done nothing to reclaim our own space. I wake at 7 a.m. to find Dave's 84-year-old father already hard at work, taking the small dogs out one by one to the exercise pen for a little fresh air. I help out with this daunting task before doing morning rotations for our own dogs and getting the morning feeding under way. The cows are mooing, the dogs are barking, the cats haven't been fed yet, and I am wondering what ever happened to my quiet little writing life in Portland. It has never seemed farther away.

That afternoon, we have determined who will be staying and who will be on their way. Dave and I know the local rescues well enough to know their strengths and weaknesses - we give the heartiest souls to a Portland rescue with a great adoption record but a less impressive facility and foster network. The more fragile - including our quaking poodle and two aged cocker spaniels - go to a shelter in Woodinville, Washington, where they will be fostered until they find their forever homes.

Seven of the dogs will remain with us, either because of illness or because they are too clearly traumatized to make yet another transition. The exception is our boy Red, who, it turns out, was not meant to be on the transport and has a home waiting for him way back in California. The other dogs are Nick - who is too large to be considered adoptable by any of the participating rescues; Skippy, the emaciated little beagle who soon becomes my special project; a trio of two Miniature Pinschers and a fluffy white fellow who are all terrified after leaving their lifetime home due to a nasty divorce; Rainne, a golden retriever mix whom we soon learn is also very, very pregnant; Fitzgerald, the frail old Chihuahua who kept me company on the ride back, and - of course - Red.

Within two months, all but one of these pups will be in loving forever homes. Rainne is the exception. On December 14, 2006, she gave birth to five beautiful pups - including my much-loved Killian and Adia. After that, Rainne was pretty much a staple at Clean Slate, and continues to be. Though she only had one litter of pups, she is a mom by nature, and today she is put in with any pups who happen along - she makes everyone toe the line, and takes her job very seriously. And now, as I sit in my living room far from Clean Slate, with Killian and Adia sleeping soundly nearby, I am amazed yet again at just how much forty-eight hours can change one's world.

If you're interested in learning more about rescue transports, contact your local shelter. You can volunteer to simply be a driver, house animals (less than thirty-seven, for sure!) overnight, or help out with gas and transport costs. Whatever your interest, I guarantee there is a place for you to help in rescue!

Me with five of our "castoffs" from the transport - Stella, MamaPin, Snowball, Red, and Fitzgerald

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thursday's Nutrition Beat: Does Your Dog Eat Better Than You?

I talk a lot in this blog about proper canine nutrition, but there's definitely a flip side to that coin: the dog guardian who is fastidious about Fido's dinner, but who spends almost none on his own. When I was at Clean Slate, it was not uncommon for us to spend hours preparing dinner for all of the residents, and then throw together a peanut butter sandwich at ten p.m. for ourselves. Not everyone is quite that extreme, of course, but I don't think it's that unusual for the more conscientious dog-mas out there to give more consideration to their pup's plate than their own.

Here, then, is a simple recipe that both you and your pup can enjoy. Because most of us work for a living, I'm a big fan of planning ahead. Make this over the weekend, freeze, and then heat up one evening after a long day's work.


2 medium-sized sweet potatoes
3 carrots
1 stalk celery
1 yellow squash (small)
1 zucchini (small)
1 cup green peas, fresh or frozen
1 whole chicken, preferably organically grown
1 cup lentil beans
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 clove garlic
rosemary to taste


Start by dicing sweet potatoes, carrots, celery, squash, and zucchini - if you have a Cuisinart, it is now officially your best friend (if it wasn't already, of course). Leaving peas and lentils for later, mix your raw veggies together in a large bowl.

Cook entire chicken in a large pot for one hour, with sea salt, garlic, and a dash of fresh rosemary. Add peas and other veggies and bring to a boil, then let simmer for second hour. Veggies are done when they are soft, but not mushy.

While chicken soup is simmering, use a separate pot to cook lentils (cooking the lentils with the chicken soup usually means lentils get overcooked and end up taking over the meal). Rinse the beans in cold water first, then add 1 cup lentils to 2 cups water. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 1/2 hour. They are finished cooking when the outer skins peel away easily.

Cook 3 cups brown rice to 6 cups water, bringing water to a boil first and then simmering until rice is done (water has evaporated and rice is fully cooked. Brown rice takes quite some time to cook thoroughly, however if you time it right, it should be done about the same time that everything else finishes.

Once chicken soup is done cooking, let cool thoroughly and strain the mixture, retaining one cup of the broth to store separately. De-bone the chicken and remove the skin from the mixture.

Let rice cool thoroughly, then add to veggies and chicken and blend thoroughly. Depending on the size of your pup, this recipe makes three to six servings. Store two or three single-portion sized containers in your refrigerator, and freeze the rest.

When you're ready to share a meal with your pooch, take a portion for you and one for him. Add 1/4 cup of the remaining chicken broth to your pup's portion, and heat in a saucepan on the stovetop or in microwave. For your meal, add a tablespoon of the chicken broth and a tablespoon of water and re-heat. This is a great, warming ghoulash that covers almost every food group and - despite looking a little questionable - is surprisingly tasty. You and your pup will be amazed at how good "dog food" can be!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Workout Wednesday! Book Review: Fitness Unleashed - A Dog and Owner's Guide to Losing Weight and Gaining Health Together

With obesity now considered epidemic in both U.S. people and pets, it was only a matter of time before someone came up with a weight-loss program for dogs and their owners to do together. In this case, Marty Becker, D.V.M., and Robert Kushner, M.D., teamed up with Hill's Science Diet to create Fitness Unleashed! I was skeptical at first, primarily because the project is funded by a dog food company - which would seem on the surface to be something of a conflict of interest. However, apart from a couple of plugs for Hill's dog food, the book focuses on providing dog guardians with practical advice on how to motivate their dogs - and themselves - to lose weight and gain fitness.

The book is divided into two parts, with the first focusing on an overview of obesity and the canine/human connection while the second provides a detailed "Plan of Action." There are a number of quizzes for both pup and owner (a couple of which I'll post on future Workout Wednesdays) to determine individual strengths and weaknesses and what type of fitness regiment would be most effective. The canine nutrition side of things is a bit neglected, giving the somewhat questionable advice of simply using a commercial food for overweight dogs, with no discussion of homemade or alternative diets. Additionally, there are a few spots in the book where the layout makes it difficult to determine where one section begins and another ends, but all in all it is a pretty easy read.

So... With all of this in mind, would I recommend this book (or this program)? Unequivocally, yes. All of the advice given is practical and geared toward a lifetime of fitness, rather than a quick weight-loss fix. If you're looking to drop fifty pounds next week, this is not the book for you (or your pup!) However, if you're looking for some great ideas on how you and your dog can become more active and energized over time, I think this is a great place to start. You may want to supplement the canine nutrition advice with books like Dr. Pitcairn's New Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats or The Whole Pet Diet, by Andi Brown. Otherwise, though, I say place an order for Fitness Unleashed! through your local independent bookseller or order online through Amazon today. I'm actually following the program myself as of this past Monday, so I'll be checking back periodically to let readers know just how effective Fitness Unleashed is - for both pups and their people.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Read The Dog-Ma and Win With Petsmart!

This month at The Dog-Ma, I'm pleased to announce that one lucky reader will win a $50 gift certificate to Petsmart on July 1st. Winners will be chosen in a random drawing; you can enter simply by commenting on any blog post in June. Readers will be entered once for every (appropriate) comment made... Which means, if you comment twenty times, you're entered twenty times. Naturally, comments should be related to the post content; please refrain from offensive language, racial slurs, or solicitation of any kind. I reserve the right to delete any comments made that fall into the aforementioned categories. Thanks for reading, and best of luck!

Training Tuesday. The Command That Could Save Your Dog's Life: Stop!

It's a scenario every dog guardian dreads: You're on one side of the road, your pup is on the other, bounding toward you. Between you? A long stretch of highway carrying an even longer line of moving vehicles. You hold your breath, knowing you are powerless to stop what's about to happen.

Are you really powerless in that situation? Obviously, prevention is the most effective way to keep your dog from becoming one of the millions of animals killed each year by vehicles. But, no matter how vigilant you are, accidents do happen: your pup slips past a guest and bolts out the front door, jumps out of the car when you're refueling, snaps his leash or slips out of his collar... No matter what you do, there are ways that your pup can get loose. How do you stop him in his tracks, when the worst is about to happen?

With a single, simple, life-saving command: Stop! We'll begin by defining exactly what you want your dog to do when you issue this command, and then we'll move forward from there to teaching your dog what is expected.

For my pups, stop is actually a combination of three commands: Stop, sit, and wait for me to come to you. Before you begin teaching stop, you should have a steadfast sit - once that's been accomplished, you're ready for stop.

Start with a long or extendible leash, and only use the "stop" command when you know you can get results. With any command, repeating the word over and over gives your pup the idea that he only has to obey after you've said something a dozen times, when you're frantic. When you're out on a walk and your pup is ahead of you, say "Stop" firmly and use the leash to make him do exactly that (never pull or jerk your dog to get him to obey - merely get rid of the slack on the leash and hold.) When he's stopped, say "Good dog"; if he hasn't already, your pooch will likely then turn to look at you. Give the sit command and go to him with ample treats and praise. If he starts to get up before you get there, say "No" or "Uh uh" and make him sit again.
Repeat. And repeat again. Do so over and over again, being sure to give lots of praise when your pup gets it right.

Once your pooch has Stop down when he's moving away from you, it's time to stop him when he's coming toward you. With your dog at the end of a long leash, call him to you. After he takes a couple of steps, you take one step toward him with your hand raised and say "Stop!" firmly. Unlike other commands (like "come"), don't worry about making your voice attractive or welcoming. You want your posture, actions, and voice to give your dog pause - to stop him in his tracks, as it were. If he stops, say "Good dog" and make him sit. Go to him with treats and praise, and release.

If your dog keeps coming when you say stop, take another step forward and repeat the command with a little more force. Remember, don't say the word a dozen times - twice is plenty. If he still keeps a'comin', stop your pup physically with your hand out in a halt gesture once he reaches you, and make him sit. Try again, remembering to give plenty of praise on those blessed moments when he gets it right.

Stop should be a command you refresh often. Run through it a few times every day - in the house, on outings, or running around your (fenced) yard. You'll be impressed with how often it comes in handy, and amazed at your own peace of mind when your pup is on the loose.

Note: The stop command should never be used in place of prevention. Always keep your dog leashed or fenced in high-traffic areas or in situations where your pup could get in trouble. Even the best dogs out there aren't infallible - don't let a moment of weakness mean disaster for your best friend.

Monday, June 2, 2008

EnvironMental Monday: Say Goodbye to Eau de Dog

I love almost everything about my dogs: the way they greet me when I come home from a long day, Adie's sweet little head-tilt when she hears something funny, the way Killian paws my leg when he wants a belly rub. The one thing I don't love about my dogs?

The smell.

Most of the time, my pups aren't stinky creatures - that's one of the benefits of a good, homemade diet. However, the healthiest diet in the world won't diminish the unmistakable smell of a wet dog. Yesterday, our trio - Adie, Killian, and I - were caught in a downpour on the way home from our walk, and the house hasn't been the same since. The musty smell of damp dawg has seeped into blankets, corners, and seemingly the very fabric of the building itself. What's a girl to do?

I went to the grocery store with just that question in mind, and came home armed with six different remedies that seemed sure to restore my olfactory health. Here's what I tried, and here's what I found.

(1) Air Wick Scented Oil Warmer. This is a plastic device that you plug into a standard outlet. You can choose a number of differently scented oils sold separately, plug the warmer into the outlet, and voila. Instant fragrance. Nice, huh? Actually... Not so much, at least to me. I chose a fragrance called "Relaxation," a blend of lavender and chamomile that sounded promising. This may not be typical of all of the blends, but this particular scent was anything but relaxing - definitely overpowering, and not for anyone with any kind of sinus or allergy issues.

(2) Glade Peaches and Petals Scented Candle. As scented candles go, this one is not bad - though again, anyone with sinus or allergy problems should beware. The fragrance was not overpowering, diffused well throughout the house, and left a pleasant, subtly peachy scent long after the candle itself had gone out.

(3) B&D Potpourri: Carpet and Room Deodorizer. I chose the mulberry scented powder, as this seemed to be the least floral-smelling of the multitude of fragrances available. Though I have no carpets, I used the powder on my sofa and chairs, vacuuming them off after a few minutes. Not at all overwhelming, and I have to say that for the first time in quite some time, my living room doesn't smell like a kennel. Which is a very nice change of pace, to say the least.

(4) Lilacs. Picked from bushes in the backyard, these fragrant flowers are some of my very favorites. If you have fresh flowers available, either by choosing a bouquet from your local store or simply by picking them yourself, there really is no substitute. Fresh flowers not only change the smell of a place, they can brighten a room and lighten your mood. Forget the cheap imitation powders, candles, and sprays... When in doubt, pick up a bouquet and let the healing begin.

(5) Lemons. Want an inexpensive way to make your kitchen smell fresh and clean all the livelong day? Squeeze a little fresh lemon juice into a vinegar solution for a "green" cleaner that smells great, or grind lemon rind into your garbage disposal to freshen things up a bit. You can also use lemon juice to freshen your toilet and shower - just beware of leaving undiluted lemon juice too long on fixtures, as it does have some surprising power.

(6) Essential oils. As much as I would love to say that a $4 Air Wick is just as good as a $30 bottle of essential chamomile oil, it's just not true. At the end of the day, there is no substitute for quality, and a quality essential oil can revivify your abused nostrils like nothing else. While many oils are expensive, others - like lavender and eucalyptus - are usually not more than $10 to $15. All are super-concentrated, so a small vial can last a good long time. Pick up a diffuser, put two to three drops of the essence of your choice in water, and the world will be your lavender-scented oyster. Your pup will likewise enjoy the calming effects, and your home will smell like heaven.

Whatever path you choose to keep your home smelling fresh and clean, remember to keep cleaning agents away from curious pups. When choosing flowers, be sure to stay away from any that might be hazardous to your dog's health, and take note if he (or you) seems to be sneezing, wheezing, or having other respiratory difficulties. And finally, if you notice that your pooch seems to have a perpetually unpleasant body odor, don't just accept it as a matter of course. Chemical imbalances, food allergies, skin conditions, and other physical ailments all may manifest initially as a foul or unnatural smell. Consult your veterinarian to see what can be done to make you and your pup more comfortable, and restore your house to the sweet-smelling haven it should be.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Dogward Bound! Pooping Pooches and Sacred Spaces

Unless you're living in a profoundly dog-friendly city, you've likely come across plenty of places where pups are not allowed. And even if dogs are not actually banned, there are certainly some rules of etiquette to follow in public places to ensure that the welcome banner continues to fly for our four-legged friends. Here, then, are five rules to keep your pup in favor wherever you tread.

(1) Are dogs allowed? Some public parks, landmarks, and cemeteries are not just unfriendly to pooches, they won't permit them. If that's the case, all of the information you're about to read is moot - go elsewhere. If you are in a town lacking in dog-friendly destinations, ask around to find out if there's any chance that a little lobbying (and education) may lift the ban. Until that happens, though, it's best to obey the signs and find a new spot for your pooch to roam.

(2) Where are the dog-free zones? Many public places will allow dogs in some areas but not others - be sure to stick to the areas where your pup is welcome. By ignoring signs or treading in no-pup quadrants, you are not only thumbing your nose at a place that is doing its best to accommodate your dog, but you're putting that dog-friendly status at risk and making all dog owners look bad. Be respectful of whatever limits have been set.

(3) Pick up after your pooch! Always come armed with a ready supply of "doggie bags" to dispose of your pup's waste. Don't rely on your destination - no matter how dog-friendly - to supply the bags, as you may well be disappointed. The bag dispenser may not have been restocked, or there simply may not be baggies available. I keep a box of sandwich baggies in my car for emergencies, and usually have a pocket bulging with said baggies whenever I go out.

(4) Be respectful of other people. One of the go-to locations for my pups and me is the local cemetery, since there are no public parks in town. I love the spot - it's shady, quiet, and has lots of grassy knolls for Adie and Killian to roll around on. But, just as with other public spaces, there is a very specific code of ethics when using such a sacred spot. In the case of cemeteries in particular, it is just good sense to be sensitive to those around you: keep your dog leashed when there are others around, be aware of service schedules and choose an alternate route on those days, and keep your voice respectfully lowered when someone is visiting a grave site.

(5) Leave a place better than you found it (or at least as good). I am horrified to admit that Adia has been known, on occasion, to steal toys from a grave site, start digging up the petunias, or kill a mole and leave the carcass in some appallingly inappropriate locale. If your pup does the same, be sure to right his wrongs before heading for home: put the toy back from whence it came, replant the petunias, relocate the mole to a more seemly final resting place. And of course, your pup should never be out of your line of sight, so that you can be sure and undo any atrocities he may have committed.

If all dog guardians followed these simple rules, it seems likely that a lot more places out there would be dog-friendly. Do your part as an ambassador for dogs everywhere, and you'll be amazed at the number of doors that open wide, inviting you (and your pooch) inside.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dogward Bound! Merryspring Nature Center - Camden, Maine

Located just off Route One headed toward Camden, Maine, is a 66-acre, privately owned park known as the Merryspring Nature Center. Though I've grown up in this area, I had no idea of the existence of the Center until someone mentioned it in passing when I said I was looking for new places to take the pups. Barely a mile down a well-traveled side road just behind the Camden Hannaford shopping plaza, I found just that place. Though it was a warm, sunny Sunday when I arrived, there were only two cars in the limited parking spaces off to the side of the road. Park hours are listed as sunrise to sunset, trails are well-groomed and dog-friendly, and wildlife is abundant. Hooray for the fun of a new place to discover!

The Center is comprised of an entire network of trails, several well-kept gardens, picnic areas, and an open meadow in which dogs can roam free. Dogs are required to be on-leash in all other areas of the park, and there are a couple of places where they are not permitted. These include the central office and gardens and a children's garden just to the back of the office. All areas are clearly marked, so there's no question as to protocol when you're moving from site to site.

On this particular Sunday, there was only one pup - a handsome golden retriever - happily playing fetch with his people in the "dog meadow." I ran into a couple of mountain bikers on one of the trails, but otherwise seemed to be on my own for the majority of my time at the Center. Of course, it's early in the season yet; I'll be sure to update my blog as the summer wears on, to see just how busy this dog-friendly oasis becomes.

Though Merryspring charges no visitation fee, regular pup-visitors are encouraged to become "Merry Dogs." The fee for this is $35 for one dog or $50 for the multi-dog household, and helps to support upkeep of the grounds. I just sent off my check for Killian and Adia, as I expect we'll be regulars there in no time! Though the Center does not have an extensive off-leash area and there are a number of places where pups are not allowed to roam, I would still recommend this as a great spot for an afternoon of hiking and pup-friendly revelry. Check out the website for more information, or take a jaunt over to the Center and see for yourself. You and your pups will be happy you did!

Monday, May 12, 2008

EnvironMental Monday. The Case of the Mad Pooper

In Dog Star Daily recently, there was a great article about how to properly dispose of your pooch's hazardous waste. And while EnvironMental Monday is typically about your home and immediate environs, it seems to me that there's nothing more pertinent to the world around us than the waste we put in it.

There is no dog park where I live, however there is a fairly extensive cemetery where many of the neighborhood pups go for their daily constitutional. I've always tried to be a considerate dog owner, cleaning up after my pups whenever we hit the mean streets or the quiet side lanes. After a bit of research, I've learned that such clean-up is about more than simply keeping the sidewalks clean. According to the Dog Star Daily article and some supplemental research I've been doing, canine feces has a wealth of micro-bacteria that are downright dangerous for the environment, and can pose serious health concerns if the poo leaches into groundwater. Check out the aforementioned article for some great tips on how to dispose properly of your dog's waste; I've actually just ordered a Doggie Dooley Pet Waste Digester myself, and I don't think I've been this excited about mail-order since my last Patricia McConnell shopping spree.

Unfortunately, however, not everyone reads Dog Star Daily. Despite having plastic baggies at our disposal, there are a few negligent dog owners sharing cemetery space here in Thomaston. One of my dog-walking neighbors has a ten-year-old daughter who has become slightly obsessed with the subject - she's a little like the Harriet the Spy of junior dog owners. She has nicknamed the worst offender the Mad Pooper, and apparently stalked me for some time before we actually met, convinced that it was I. Once she realized that I was not, in fact, the Mad Pooper, she turned her attention to others who frequent the "park." I have actually seen a few people there who turn a blind eye when their pups are squatting - one who even walked away while his dog defecated ON a gravestone! While I typically have a hard time making waves and don't want to upset anyone, even I feel that something has to be done. A woman whose young son is buried in the cemetery often writes letters to the editor of our local paper, pleading with dog owners to clean up after their pooping pooches.

So, how is it in this day and age that dog owners who otherwise appear very intelligent, can be so ignorant when it comes to a matter affecting not merely aesthetics, but the physical health of others? Are they really that callous, or merely uninformed? Now that I understand more about the potential health consequences of a poo-infested public space, I feel more equipped to talk to others when I see them walking without that all-important plastic baggie. With a little effort and some much-needed education, maybe we can eradicate the Mad Poopers among us.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thursday's Nutrition Beat: Stocking the Kitchen for Canine Health

If you've ever entertained the notion of making homemade meals for your pooch, you may have been dissuaded once you read a little bit on the subject. It can be overwhelming; in fact, there are still definitely times that I question my own sanity - particularly when I'm in the checkout line at the grocery store, with a few items for myself and a whole parcel for the pups. That feeling goes away when I not only see how healthy Adia and Killian are, but further when I know exactly what is going into their furry bellies each day. A little peace of mind goes a long way, in my book.

At any rate, if you're just starting out or would simply like to give the whole homemade food thing a try, here are a few items that you should always have on hand.

(1) Brown rice. There is some debate as to how great a percentage of carbohydrates are actually necessary for a dog's diet. I tend to stick somewhere in between extremes on both sides, with about 30-percent of my pups' total caloric intake. Brown rice is fairly affordable, easy to prepare, and highly digestible. FYI, white rice is not a good alternative, as it is difficult for dogs to digest.

(2) Veggies! Carrots, celery, yellow squash, zucchini, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas... you get the idea. All of the above are super for your dog, as long as they are well-cooked. In the wild, dogs got their fruits and vegetables by eating the digested remains of whatever was in their prey's stomach. For that reason, dogs do not have the ability to digest raw fruits or vegetables (or carbohydrates, for that matter). An apple or carrot from the fridge isn't a problem, but anything beyond that may cause stomach upset, diarrhea, or constipation. Cut veggies into small pieces, boil in chicken broth, and add to your pup's daily portions. Remember, any change in diet should be done gradually; always introduce new foods in increments over the course of a couple of weeks.

(3) Quinoa or millet. These can be found at most health food stores, or in the health aisle of many supermarkets. Cook up the same way you would brown rice, and use as a tasty base for your dog's food. Both quinoa and millet are a little more expensive than brown rice; often, I'll mix a cup of cooked quinoa in with a couple of cups brown rice to change the texture and give a little variety to the evening meal.

(4) Meat. While there are many folks out there who believe dogs are just fine living as vegetarians, I am not one of them. For me, it is not as much about health as it is outlook... I am a vegetarian, and I am strongly opposed to the methods used by commercial farmers in raising and butchering livestock. But my dogs don't know about that stuff - they just know they really, really like meat. I compromise by using only free-range, organic meats sold at the local co-op. By doing so, I'm not only supporting local, organic farmers, but I'm able to provide the pups with a wide variety of choices: wild turkey, lamb, chicken, fish... They can devour every morsel, and my conscience is clear at the end of the day.

(5) Legumes. Black-eyed peas, kidney beans, and lentils are all great protein sources for your dog. Because meat is expensive, I supplement my pups' nightly protein rations with legumes - usually lentils, because they take the least amount of time to cook, and are pretty inexpensive. Make sure to cook properly and for a long enough period of time, in order to avoid gaseous upset (which isn't fun for your dog or you).

(6) Tofu. Whether or not your dogs are vegetarians, tofu is another great, relatively inexpensive source of protein. It's easy to prepare, and soy has excellent health benefits for dogs. As with the legumes, I typically will cook up some tofu with whatever meat I'm preparing in order to supplement the meal's protein requirement.

(7) Eggs. Oh, how we love them. Eggs are the only 100-percent digestible protein out there for your dogs. I'll often add a raw egg to a finished meal, or will boil up a couple of them when I'm low on other sources of protein. They do wonderful things for your pup's coat, aid in digestion, and are high in both vitamins and minerals.

If you'd just like to start your pup on a more healthful path but don't feel like you can commit whole-hog, try simply adding some homemade bits and pieces to your dog's kibble each day. The standard dog foods have plenty of carbs in there, so don't worry about adding rice or quinoa or anything along those lines just now. Instead, try cooking up some veggies and meat and adding a bit at each meal. Start with just a couple of tablespoons, gradually building up until you're doing a mix of half kibble/ half homemade. Before long, you'll see the difference in your pup's health, coat, and attitude.

Thanks for reading, and be sure to check in for next Thursday's Nutrition Beat, when I'll show you how to create a kitchen herb garden that you and your four-legged friends will love.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Training Tuesday. Using Treats As an Effective Training Tool

Recently, I've heard a few somewhat disturbing comments regarding the misconceptions of using food in dog training. Because I've been working with dogs for a while now, I think I just assumed that using food to reinforce good behavior was standard practice. No one really thinks it's "bribery" anymore, right? Or that you're somehow spoiling the dog by rewarding good behavior? Well... Sadly, that seems not to be the case. Here's an excerpt from a dog training website I stumbled upon recently: "Be forewarned, the words 'Positive Reinforcement, Luring and Operant Conditioning' are code for bribing with food." Keep in mind that these folks are APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers) members, seem to have a long history of dog training, and have an extensive website with lots and lots of information. Much of that information is misinformation, and I would be very curious to actually see what their methods are for getting the results they promise.

So, here are three common myths for folks opposed to so-called food-based training, and some tips for how you can avoid such pitfalls when you're working with your own pooch.

(1) My dog will only perform if I have treats.

This common idea demonstrates a misunderstanding of the basic premise of positive reinforcement training. On the first go-round when you're teaching your pup to sit - in other words, you are conveying the physical movement involved in sitting down - the treat should be at your dog's nose to "lure" him into position. As soon as he sits, he receives the treat, thus conveying that the word "Sit" means to settle on his haunches. The word now has meaning to him, and by performing that action he is rewarded. By your second lesson, you should start picking and choosing when the dog receives a food reward. If you're doing a round of three sits, give a tasty treat for the first good sit, none for the second, and one for the third. By now, you should not be showing the dog a treat before giving a command. Tell him "Sit," wait until he has done so, and then produce the treat from your pocket and give it to him.

(2) I am giving up my dominant position by rewarding him for good behavior.

The fact of the matter is that dogs respond best to consistency, affection, and clear boundaries. Think of it this way: You probably have a job of some kind, correct? And from that job you derive some kind of income. The equivalent for your pup is two square meals and a roof over his head; that's your pooch's base pay. Now, what happens to you when you get a bonus now and again, or a well-deserved pat on the back? These little extras make you that much more likely to perform well and enjoy the work you're doing. Do you have less respect for your boss after you've received accolades? Are you less likely to go the extra mile? It's no different for dogs. You can train your dog without those little extras, but studies have proven that it slows the learning process and decreases the level of enjoyment (and thus retainment) for the dog.

(3) My dog won't respect me if I use only positive reinforcement.

Positive reinforcement does not mean your dog never gets feedback when he does something wrong. Every trainer that I've ever heard of - even the ones who are all about positive reinforcement - understands that a dog must get some indication when he does something wrong, in order to avoid making the same mistake twice. For example, my pups Adia and Killian are required to sit and wait at the door until I give the "Let's go" command. When they do it properly, they aren't rewarded with food, but with the pleasure of hitting the pavement (and what's better to a cooped up pup than a walk on the mean streets?) When Adia gets a little too excited and won't sit, or Killian decides he's had enough and rushes the door, their "punishment" is to remove the thing they most want: the walk. I say "Unh-uh" and close the door, and we try again. It isn't stressful for them (or me), and by now they typically settle down after the second try. They respect me just fine, thank you very much, and - because our time together isn't about battling for status, we generally tend to have a blast together.

Whether or not you use treats is, of course, ultimately up to you. But just be aware that a great deal of research has been put into the subject, and most experts agree: a biscuit, triscuit, or tasty golden nugget makes training ever so much simpler for you, and more pleasurable for your pup. And isn't that what it's really all about?

Monday, May 5, 2008

EnvironMental Monday. Spring Cleaning With Dogs

For the past couple of weeks, coming home has been a little less of a pleasure than it once was. I find myself taking the pups and staying over at my mom's place far later than before; morning walks have gotten longer, and I tend to get to work just a little earlier than usual. The reason?

It's shedding season, and my apartment is a scene of true carnage. I have hardwood floors, which technically should make things easier, but my oh my... how the fur does fly. Both Adie and Killian are long-haired dogs, with an uncertain lineage that likely includes Newfoundlands, golden retrievers, and border collies. Killie's hair comes out in great, thick clods, while Adie's is fine and wispy and tends to accumulate behind doors and in darkened corners. This past weekend I decided I couldn't take it anymore, and laid waste to every stray hair, every errant furball I could find. Here's what I learned about de-shedding a shed-upon house:

(1) The Swiffer is a brilliant invention. I've had vacuum cleaners that were supposedly made specifically for pets, but I have yet to find one that's actually all that effective. In my experience, the most thorough way to go is to do a clean sweep first, and then follow up with a Swiffer. I honestly didn't think my floors would ever be that clean again.

(2) I'm not sure what it is about glass that makes it so appealing to pups, but my dogs have licked every single window, mirror, and picture frame within reach. I have no easy fix for this, even though this is supposed to be all about me being an expert in this stuff. Honestly, I'm at a loss. Windex, paper towels, and lots of elbow grease are the only recipe I have to help the sun shine through once more.

(3) Dog beds are your friend. There's something about having a fresh, clean dog bed in the room that - to me - just makes things nicer. It also helps ensure that your pups aren't shedding all over the couch, and makes the atmosphere more pleasant when you just want to hang out. I recommend having a bed in every room you spend time in - I splurged and bought five this weekend, which was pricey. Though I would love to say I go high-end on this stuff, I just don't have the money. If you have a Costco or Sam's Club nearby, that's the way to go. You can get a good bed for about $20 at either place; the covers are removable for easy cleaning, and they last a good, long time (provided, of course, your pup doesn't chew them to pieces).

(4) De-clutter your dog's toy box. For some inexplicable reason, I have a really hard time throwing out my dogs' old toys. It's not as though I have any sentimental attachment to them, but they do pull out that old, decapitated stuffed bear now and again for a game of tug... As a consequence, headless Charlie stays in the toy box, along with a whole slew of other, equally maimed puppy toys. This weekend, I started fresh. I threw out everything but the high-end toys (specifically the Kongs, which we still stuff and use on a daily basis), and paid a visit to the local Goodwill to restock. I picked up a canister of tennis balls for $2 and a whole pile of stuffed toys (no beaded stuffing, and I remove the eyes as soon as I get home to avoid a choking hazard) for $10.

I'm always amazed at how much more content I am in a clean house. My entire outlook changes - making dinner is a pleasure without a sink full of dishes, and bedtime feels almost luxurious with fresh sheets and fluffed pillows. I don't know whether my pups are merely responding to my change of mind, or whether they genuinely prefer things tidy themselves, but either way they seem more at ease at the end of the day. So, if dog fur and window streaks have you feeling down and out, take a day to regain control. A few hours of cleaning can make a world of difference to your state of mind - and that's great news for you and your pup!