Semi Permanent Hiatus

Writerly pursuits have unfortunately prevented me from posting for quite some time. I do hope to return to regular posts in the future, and so will keep the blog up until that time either does or does not happen. In the meantime, feel free to peruse the articles posted here or contact me with any questions. Thanks for reading! - Jen

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

And We Have a Winner!

The winner of The Dog-Ma's first monthly Petsmart gift card giveaway is Amie, who left a great - and very insightful - comment on the Workout Wednesday post, "Pit Bull Leash Training - How to Walk a Whirling Dervish." Though the winner of the raffle was chosen randomly, Amie did have some great points in her comment relating to my phrase, "...a tired pit bull is a well-behaved pit bull." Amie disagreed with my phrasing "...because it suggests they (pit bulls) are ill-behaved otherwise, when that isn't necessarily the case. What IS the case is that they have tons of energy and tons of smarts and those can often be a disastrous combination in a strong animal whose idea of a good time is running after things (cars, deer, other dogs...)

A well-exercised bully is a mellow bully!"

Amie had an excellent point that was well written and happily received by this blogger, and I'm very happy to send her the $50 Petsmart gift card to use as she will. Amie also has a couple of great blogs you should check out: Rose By Any, and B-More Dog, both of which contain some great information, fabulous photos and videos of Amie's own animal tribe, and some very fun animal anecdotes. So - June's contest was a success! Don't forget to read and comment in July to be eligible for another $50 Petsmart gift card, to be given out on August 1.

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