Semi Permanent Hiatus

Writerly pursuits have unfortunately prevented me from posting for quite some time. I do hope to return to regular posts in the future, and so will keep the blog up until that time either does or does not happen. In the meantime, feel free to peruse the articles posted here or contact me with any questions. Thanks for reading! - Jen

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Training Tuesday. Play Versus Stay: Making Training Fun

How can training be a fun experience for an under-exercised dog? That was the big question for me recently, and one I'll explore in this post. This past Sunday, the Knox County Humane Society - where I'm doing my obedience training practicum - was closed for cleaning, which meant I could work with as many dogs as I liked without running into volunteers or prospective adopters. The drawback? It also meant that none of these dogs had gotten a lick of exercise before I took them out to attempt teaching sits, stays, and other Fun and Exciting Lessons of the Day.

I began with a two-year-old beagle named Carson, who had absolutely no interest in doing anything but pacing, sniffing, and - naturally enough - eliminating. It only makes sense that kenneled dogs will have pent-up energy that must be released before they can focus on training. But what about our own pups, who hang by our side and snooze on the living room rug? How much exercise do they really need, before you can get to the down and dirty act of obedience training?

The answer depends, of course, on the type, condition, and age of your pooch. A six-month-old pit bull puppy should ideally have an opportunity to run, play fetch, and do a little quality (controlled) wrestling with his people before being expected to learn those boring tricks we humans like so much - things like heel, stay, and down. And since younger dogs are typically the ones with the most intensive training needs within the home, it falls on the human guardian to come up with a regiment that makes the transition from play time to class time seem natural and fun. So, what does that mean for you? Here are a couple of tips to make training more effective and less frustrating for both you and the pup.

(1) Pee first, learn later. Start your training time by getting elimination out of the way first. When you have a full bladder, you're not much of a math wizard, right? Well, the same is true for your pooch. Let him water the tulips and fertilize the daffodils before you attempt a focused training session.

(2) Play, play, play. When I'm walking my own dogs, I begin by taking them out back for potty, then a somewhat frenzied walk to the park where I can let them run and wrestle. While they're playing, we work on things like recall, fetch, stop, and sit - all of which can be done on the fly, with lots of treats and plenty of fun. Just because you're dog is playing doesn't mean learning stops; on the contrary, dogs are much more inclined to enjoy training and retain lessons when there's a game involved.

(3) Tired dogs make the best students. Once you've gotten that initial frenzy out and your pup's tongue is lolling near the pavement, you can work on issues that require a little more concentration. Heeling, extended sit- and down-stays, and recall with added distractions are all lessons that work best with a less stimulated dog. Keep them motivated with treats and lots of praise, and remember to keep that final phase of daily training relatively short for the best results.

Training your dog should never seem like work to the dog. Ideally, it shouldn't seem like work to you, either, but there will invariably be those cloudy days when you'd rather sit at home and watch the world go by. Your pooch, on the other hand, should not only perk up when the leash comes 'round, but should be excited about every aspect of training. If you can work with your pup's natural rhythms rather than fighting against his energy, curiosity, and enthusiasm, than you are well on your way to a well-trained, happy, and healthy canine companion.

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